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Friday with Friends - Coach D's Corner

A few days back I read a Facebook post from Coach Meghann Dodd - whom I first met while conducting a leadership development exercise for her students.  Her FB post highlights the love, care and kindness that many teachers have brought into their classrooms.  Often, these remain overlooked by the masses.

Meghann Dodd will be successful teaching because she is genuinely interested in her students.  It is these type of behaviors that create engagement "beyond" the textbook.

Without further ado, let's hear it for Meghan Dodd!

*********Coach D's Corner**********

Not too many funny ones today more of a prayer request - I'm sure there will be plenty of funny this year with the crowd I have!

Today I tell you moments that have touched my heart over the last 3 weeks of school...

**A student shares with me that he is having a really hard time and just wants to stop coming to school. He tells me that he never had a dad and just feels like he's at the point that he really needs one.  I ask if he could use a hug and he said yes with tears in his eyes. Please pray for him.

**Another student shares with me that she was adopted 2 years ago and just recently has started to not get along with her adoptive parents. She said she doesn't know why but she just doesn't feel happy at home anymore. While I'm sure it's hormones and a phase she and I talk about outside influences that maybe making her feel that way and a few ways she can open up to her adoptive parents. This poor girl is torn between worrying about her drug addicted bio mom, her sister who was adopted by a family in another town and getting along with her family now. She told me I was already her school momma. Please pray for her.

And now for a little humor...

**Kid walks in late and I say that's your 1 freebie... (I have honestly only seen the kid in class a handful of times in the first 3 weeks) he says- "ok great! Thanks Coach- I'm really trying to quit skipping!"

**A kid calls everyone his son or nephew (just goofy). He's always early to my class so he does hall duty with me. Random kids walk by and he'll yell "my son!!!" And proceed to hug them. One of his "sons" in my class is about 6'7 (this kid is maybe close to 6')
He said "Coach Dodd, my son isn't listening to me...

I said, "maybe because he can dunk on you .... 

He then took a Polaroid camera out and said "ok family picture! Coach Dodd- get in! You're family too!" 

The picture develops and he says something to the effect of we are a good looking family and giggled as he said that he could see the resemblance (side-note: I was the only white person in the pic). They were so excited when I hung it on my picture wall!

While the first 3 weeks have had their struggles I have also got to know some amazing kids!


About Meghann...

Meghann graduated from Tarleton State University with a Bachelors of Science in Biology with an emphasis in wildlife. After graduation she entered the corporate world and worked her way up to management very quickly; she then became a corporate trainer with a financial institution. After 4 years she realized she LOVED teaching but not what she was teaching. She decided, with the help of her family, to go back to school and get her teaching certificate. Meghann was blessed to be hired immediately. She has now entered her 5th year of teaching and still loves to go to work every day!


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